Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Dalton is a dumbass

Hey - interesting article and the suggestion had been made before by one of the cast members suggesting it was an expensive show to make. However, the guy's a totally idiot about tv having changed. Nielson's done in the TV space. Cable boxes and sat tv now offer REAL data. Non of this statistical bullshit, but REAL data on how many viewers are watching, this includes DVR. DVD and itunes sales without a doubt have a huge effect on how a network makes it's decisions, just look at Family Guy coming back after being canceled for a couple years, due solely to DVD sales. Furthermore, it's this kind of change in the ways in which people view TV that has allowed shows like this to take off. Serial dramas like these have seen a huge rise in recent years - BSG, Lost, 24, Heroes, Sopranos, the Wire, etc due to the fact that people have channels with which to catch up. I think that in reality it was time to end the show and the editors felt like ending it. This was always a major source of praise for Farscape - that fact that they had a vision and followed through with it to the end (at least according to Lyron). Does anyone REALLY want to watch 3 more seasons of Lost? Likewise, do we really want to drag on the mystery of the universe for 3 more seasons? Methinks not.


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