Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
circle jerk
Jerk (gaius balter)
First and foremost Mr. Gaius Balter is the undisputed man. His rant in the bathroom is the best 30 seconds of the entire series up to this point. His charisma along the way that the spaceships move in a manner reminiscent of pucks on an arcade ice-hockey table are the only real reasons to watch this series. As for who the 12th cylon is, it's not mr. Balthar. If Gaius is a cylon he is the 13th cylon, or the single cylon god. (as a side note, I fail to see how Starbuck is suddenly the pre-eminent choice for the last Cylon, granted her ship "exploded" in the murky atmosphere of whatever planet that was, but I fail to see why that would qualify her for immediate machine-hood. Also why would the cylons have tried so hard to foster a baby on her if she herself was a Cylon, doesn't that defeat the purpose of their interspecies eugenicism? I would guess that a more reasonable explanation for her fiery disappearance is that the ghost cylon ship she saw was leading her to earth, and the explosion was just some sweet effects to go along with the ride.)Circle (cyclical time)
As for this mono/poly theism debate, my personal guess, is that the end of the series will somehow result in 13 ships heading off to colonize the universe. The human prophesies are correct because the same things keep happening over and over. So to break down, we have a 12 (or 13) part cycle...- 13 ships for 13 colonies, each with a god, 1 with a super-god-cylon-machine (see below)
- 1 ship lost for earth, 12 ships found humanity
- humanity creates machines
- A machine hits the point where it can improve itself faster than people can (the singularity)
- This machine bootstraps itself into higher and higher heights of machine smartness
- This god-machine creates the 12 cylons, then figure out the cyclical deal and where earth is. At which point it abandons it's cylon children, and books for earth where it can see what happened to it's past self
- The 12 cylons are left with nothing but the memory/knowledge of their 1 god (their creator, this machine)
- The 12 cylons destroy the 12 colonies
- The 12 cylons chase the people of earth through space
- The humans then the cylons find earth
- The cylons and the humans finally are successful in their mating, and a new race is born
- Somehow (probably the work of the sneaky god-cylon) earth is destroyed, and the new human-cylon species is scattered in 13 ships. All cylons and humans are destroyed aside from the 7 functioning cylons, and the 5 remaining cylons (who may be people), and of course the super-god-cylon-machine. These 13 old-timers each take charge of one of the colonies
- repeat, only now instead of humans it's half humans, half cylons and the species has bootstrapped itself up an evolutionary step, using the same process the super-god-cylon-machine used to smarten itself. Wheels inside wheels...
To argue that accepting the proposed crew members as cylons means we give up what we know cylons to be is idiotic. We know Cylons to be robots, period. That's it. There's no rule that mandates that all cylons must be ideologically aligned. We saw what they did with Xena when she tried to explore the truth on her on volition. I would imagine that a similar fate befell the original five which we are now debating. If anything was at the route of this, it was policy. Whatever it is that the five wished to unleash was the Pandora's box that the other seven ended up wrapping back up. We can imply from the episode where Xena sees the final five and apologizes to one of them that it's someone we know. With Starbuck there's some room for debate, but with the other four, I demand a concrete argument of why they all hear the music and go to that room in the final episode. Ty didn't get tested by Baltar. He shut down the tests once Boomer tested positive. All of the four people are next to the most powerful people on the show - Adama, Roselyn, Starbuck. I can't explain the baby issue - why Chief's isn't important. Except to say that there's no definitive indication that this fantasy 6 created around the baby was visionary or projection. As no one knows who the final five are, no one on the Cylon side is aware of Chief's baby. The only supernatural aspect of the show is the mystic revelation side, i.e. supernatural occurrences in relation to faith based destinies. Your theory would then indicate that the four are somehow indicated in the destiny of humanity. Since humanity's destiny at this point is intricately intertwined with that of the Cylons, it's hard to see how these four could be a part of it without being Cylons.
Now, for some baseless speculation (Erector-style). Let's just get wacked out for second. What if the 12 Cylons were created as Gods, i.e. the 12 gods of Cobalt. What if they actually predate the humans. They are able to exist in infinite form and unable to die. The reason they know of the one true god is because they are the 12 deities. They put their hands in the goo and they form the hive mind, the one true god. The 5 have been decommissioned. I think there's probably some significance to the fact that its a minority and I'll resume insisting that it was due to ideological differences. There's really no foundation here, but I think it's interesting that there are super religious monotheistic cylons who created 12 (number of gods) human form cylons to lead them to their destiny. There's more to be revealed . . .
The toasters believe in a single God. The existence of that God, in corporeal form, in the BSG universe, is plausible. It need not even be supernatural. It might be the original builder of the first AI or something. It is clear that the toasters have biological research insanely advanced (umm they resurrect people...and stuff) so I have no problem with them keeping some old dude around for a long time. It might do nicely to wrap up a lot of the extraneous stuff related to Cylons.
Now here is the real ball buster: I think the Human religion is probably real as well. There is just too much stuff happening. Again, it doesn't have to be real the way that the Greek Gods were "real" but there is some decidedly supernatural stuff going on. First, Rosalyn is a prophet. Plain and simple. She had visions. Yeah she was on drugs, but she has seen the future and no drug makes you do that. Secondly, in all of our conversations about BSG I don't think anyone has harped on this enough: THEY FOUND KOBOL! The freaking Holy Book they are following is TRUE. They found a place where Human's used to be, and where the Greek Myth God's once lived. How do we know that? They found the map to Earth there. Now it might not have been magic that swept them off to God knows where to stare at the stars, but, as the old Sci-fi adage goes, if the technology is sufficiently advanced, it all looks like magic to us.
To me, the fact that there is a good chance both of these religions are not only "right" but REAL is the reason that it is possible that Season 5 is going to be the coolest thing ever: A HOLY WAR.
Monday, May 21, 2007
May 21, 2007 1:47 PM
Welcome to the Awesome Battlestar Blog!
Welcome to the Awesome Battlestar Blog. This blog has been created to squash the unintelligible nerd babble that currently dominates the Battlestar blogosphere. It is by default therefore, not just a Battlestar blog, but an awesome Battlestar blog. The quality will subsequently be supported by viewers like you! This consequently is really going to be more of a discussion forum for the meeting of the minds (only great ones) to discuss between now and 2008 where the show will go, with some hopeful garnering of revelations provided in the two hour special this fall. So without further ado, let the fun begin! Please remember to be unruly and disrespectful while making your arguments, because any other approach will just make us part of the masses.