Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It appears the Erector has erected a house of cards, built on a foundation that lacks both strength and stability, but instead feigns power through cheesy quips and weak references. But first, I'd like to touch on the "holy war". The crux of the issue is not monotheism vs. polytheism, but more archetypal, i.e. opposing religions that share the same foundation. And even that is not necessarily the crux. What we have is two opposing groups that believe they are following a destiny. Those destinies appear to be somewhat similar, which leads me to believe we don't have a robust enough knowledge of the cylon faith. We understand after all that they believe in the same scripture as the humans, hence the urgency to reach the Eye of Jupiter, and a blatant recognition that the scripture holds the key. Is this Christianity in the Middle East, circa 622? Or perhaps a similar evolution of Hindu that Krishna offers up in the Bhagavad Gita, in which he explains that among all of the gods of Hindu, they are ultimately all Krishna, all is God.

To argue that accepting the proposed crew members as cylons means we give up what we know cylons to be is idiotic. We know Cylons to be robots, period. That's it. There's no rule that mandates that all cylons must be ideologically aligned. We saw what they did with Xena when she tried to explore the truth on her on volition. I would imagine that a similar fate befell the original five which we are now debating. If anything was at the route of this, it was policy. Whatever it is that the five wished to unleash was the Pandora's box that the other seven ended up wrapping back up. We can imply from the episode where Xena sees the final five and apologizes to one of them that it's someone we know. With Starbuck there's some room for debate, but with the other four, I demand a concrete argument of why they all hear the music and go to that room in the final episode. Ty didn't get tested by Baltar. He shut down the tests once Boomer tested positive. All of the four people are next to the most powerful people on the show - Adama, Roselyn, Starbuck. I can't explain the baby issue - why Chief's isn't important. Except to say that there's no definitive indication that this fantasy 6 created around the baby was visionary or projection. As no one knows who the final five are, no one on the Cylon side is aware of Chief's baby. The only supernatural aspect of the show is the mystic revelation side, i.e. supernatural occurrences in relation to faith based destinies. Your theory would then indicate that the four are somehow indicated in the destiny of humanity. Since humanity's destiny at this point is intricately intertwined with that of the Cylons, it's hard to see how these four could be a part of it without being Cylons.

Now, for some baseless speculation (Erector-style). Let's just get wacked out for second. What if the 12 Cylons were created as Gods, i.e. the 12 gods of Cobalt. What if they actually predate the humans. They are able to exist in infinite form and unable to die. The reason they know of the one true god is because they are the 12 deities. They put their hands in the goo and they form the hive mind, the one true god. The 5 have been decommissioned. I think there's probably some significance to the fact that its a minority and I'll resume insisting that it was due to ideological differences. There's really no foundation here, but I think it's interesting that there are super religious monotheistic cylons who created 12 (number of gods) human form cylons to lead them to their destiny. There's more to be revealed . . .

1 comment:

Schlager said...

So I'd just like to add, for the purposes of arousing curiosity that I just read that the original BSG's creator was a Mormon and based a lot of the shows mythology on Mormon mythology. The immediate thing that comes to mind is that the Mormons believe the lost tribe of Israel came to North America a few thousand years ago but were killed by the native americans. This immediately calls to mind Earth (the 13th planet). The other thing I think we need to start incorporating into our discussions are the greek and latin mythologies (Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid). And, per my Cylons=gods theory, it is interesting that the new Boomer on Galactica was named Athena . . . Ooh - which takes me another lovely place - Hera the Queen of the gods. Is this daughter our Jesus - the human incarnation of god(cylon)?