Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wow there is an epic amount of trash in the post preceding this. To sort some of it out, I want to propose that NWallach only write in bullet points. Regardless, here is, as Zappa would say, the crux of the biscuit: monotheism vs polytheism.

The toasters believe in a single God. The existence of that God, in corporeal form, in the BSG universe, is plausible. It need not even be supernatural. It might be the original builder of the first AI or something. It is clear that the toasters have biological research insanely advanced (umm they resurrect people...and stuff) so I have no problem with them keeping some old dude around for a long time. It might do nicely to wrap up a lot of the extraneous stuff related to Cylons.

Now here is the real ball buster: I think the Human religion is probably real as well. There is just too much stuff happening. Again, it doesn't have to be real the way that the Greek Gods were "real" but there is some decidedly supernatural stuff going on. First, Rosalyn is a prophet. Plain and simple. She had visions. Yeah she was on drugs, but she has seen the future and no drug makes you do that. Secondly, in all of our conversations about BSG I don't think anyone has harped on this enough: THEY FOUND KOBOL! The freaking Holy Book they are following is TRUE. They found a place where Human's used to be, and where the Greek Myth God's once lived. How do we know that? They found the map to Earth there. Now it might not have been magic that swept them off to God knows where to stare at the stars, but, as the old Sci-fi adage goes, if the technology is sufficiently advanced, it all looks like magic to us.

To me, the fact that there is a good chance both of these religions are not only "right" but REAL is the reason that it is possible that Season 5 is going to be the coolest thing ever: A HOLY WAR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.